Wednesday, April 20, 2005

i am in paradise
ok, so i had a bit of a freakout yesterday. one never knows how theyre gonna handle things once they happen. I suppose like a relationship of any sort, even if things are going badly, one usually hangs on in hopes that things will work out and keep a bit of optimism open. So when that door does finally shut in your face and so much time and effort went into it, as well as feelings, then it is a cold dose and really hard to deal with at first. All the dissillusion, discontent, anger, bad energies, insecurities, laments, all of it basically drapes you in a cocoon of over-protection. So i felt different from minute to minute, especially since i had to keep on explaining the situation to friends and other bands with precious little words and a heart full of resentment. How else was i supposed to handle it? So now that the day gave way to reasoning and i took a good look at the situation it made more sense. I had made peace with it and look forward to the new challenges that a new direction will bring. I of course am at the helm and the new things i will work on will bring me closer to this new ideal. There are few new restrictions and i will have all the say in the world as to which way things move towards. I may have been a bit unfair with my scathing views, but honestly, it was a fun ride and it will end with a bang come sunday. That i will most definately be looking forward to because i am going to celebrate my resiliance at doing exactly what ive wanted for this long while still in decent health.So after i got the news i emailed the hell out this show to make sure everyone knew the deal and that they wouldnt be seeing us for a bit onstage. A lot of mutual friends have been great and offered support and the job search for a new bassist doesnt seem to be too bad off.So after the mass emails, i took a long long needed nap and just let myself rest with this. When i got up, i washed the dishes and made dinner for the family, kiddies too. Afterwards i got online and did some things around the house. I spoke on the phone a bit, then later i met up w our label owner who wanted me to come over and talk about shit, so i did and we did, and we tried to talk some things over the future and current status of the label.I drove back home a bit after the bar closings so then i got online and chatted for a few, then i got on the phone and the rest went down to happy comfortville. I shut off the phone for the night (3am) and let all the stress and tension exit thru sleep. I woke up rather early, and spent a good portion of the morning with the animalia outside enjoying the overcast skies. the breeze was great and i feel awesome to be experiencing this new spring.

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