Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Things obviously are changing and whether it is for the better or not depends on your view of things.
Here are some examples.
The Maybenauts are really doing well. By well i mean yay publicity, boo no money.
Just got back from playing Summerfest in Milwaukee. Good times!
The Sonnets are doing ok but our drummer is is Memphis which kind of sucks but its better than not having one again.
We will try to record the 7 new songs in Memphis mid August but until then it is a matter of waiting.
The Hamburglars are the Hamburglars. Robble robble robble new record and shows. Amazing.
The Crombies are set to debut July 10 w/ Mustard Plug @ Beat Kitchen, Chicago. Skank till your hearts aching.
Humboldt Gong still has 2 dates a month however one is a city gig. Maybe things will turn better.
Emilie Jaeger Project has ended.
M-Birds still not ready.
No rockabilly yet.
Need cash.
Need better jobs.
Going to lose car soon :(
oh well...lets see what happens.

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