Thursday, February 05, 2004

And again, nothing new to say. Well, thats a lie. We have a show on Saturday. It is gonna be a wierd one considering our bassist's dad just died. Maybe it will help him get out his frustrations and pain. As far as the cd is going, I have kinda been not so much dealing w the label guy. The artowork has caused so much stress and grief on everyone that i consider it a big downer for now. Maybe this weekend I will work the strength up to deal with it.
So should I or should i not go on tour? I have been asked by the Echo 3 band to join them around the SW and im not really sure if thats gonna cut into their budgets or not. I have never been to the southwest and have no idea what its like, but itll be interesting road tales thats for sure. Leaving winter wonderland and going to cactusland must do wonders to a touring van.
I gotta get some sleep.

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